Our Minister

Danny Buchanan – Evangelist

DannyBuchananBrother Buchanan is an evangelist for the churches of Christ and has labored in God’s vineyard as a minister of the gospel for more than 35 years.

He and his wife Valerie have been married for more than 35 years. They are the proud parents of two sons: Joshua, his wife Angela, and Nathan, his wife Tiffany, and four wonderful grandchildren.

Concerning his formal education, Brother Buchanan is a graduate of Memphis School of Preaching.  Also, he has earned a Bachelor of Science from West Virginia State University, a Master’s of Biblical Studies and a Ph.D. from the Theological University of America, and a Master’s in Science Leadership and Administration from George Mason University. He has done Postgraduate Studies in Counseling at the University of Virginia. However, he considers himself a student of God’s Word, and strives to improve his spiritual growth and education by the continuing study of God’s Word.

Brother Buchanan has conducted workshops as well as preached in many evangelistic gospel meetings and spoken on various lectureships. He has preached in thirteen states and two foreign countries.